

SteamkleenĀ Debuts

As the new decade unfolds, we are pleased to announce the retail launch of Steamkleen vapour steam cleaner in Indonesia with an initial roll out at Best Denki, Pacific Place and Best Denki, Senayan City.

In what we believe to be a first in Indonesia, we are introducing an all new cleaning device that has gained widespread acceptance in Europe and the U.S, due to its superior cleaning capabilities over conventional cleaning methods, as well as for its ease of use, low cost of operation and ecological credentials. By harnessing the power of ordinary tap water superheated to vapour, Steamkleen cleans, sanitizes and disinfects without the use of chemicals that are harmful to your health.

We invite you to explore what millions of households the world over have benefited and visit the two Best Denki outlets above to see and find out first hand what Steamkleen can do for you and your family.

During this launch period (from now till the end of march, 2010), enjoy an introductory discount of 5% and a complete set of tools and accessories designed for a wide range of cleaning applications with every purchase of Steamkleen. Our knowledgeable promoters on-site are ready to answer all your questions and conduct product